Sunday, June 22, 2014

If I Had a Nickel for Every time I...

Things that if i got paid for, would make me filthy stinking rich!.
  • pressing quit and retry on candy crush
  • sing a song that I don't really know and make it through by lightly mumbling through the verses and religiously belting out the chorus
  • walk upstairs to get something and forget what it was by the time I reached the top
  • not being able to find my phone though it's sitting in plain sight
  • looking at my games list, trying to decide between Halo Reach and Halo 4... and always picking Halo Reach
  • reaching for my drink, when I'm dying of thirst, forgetting that I've already finished it and being left to suffer the utter disappointment
  • having my headphones on, full blast, while someone is talking to me, unaware that I can't hear them because I am nodding and gesturing as if I am listening to and understand what they are saying
  • when I freak out about an item at the store, but suddenly lose all interest upon seeing it's price tag
Just a quick view of my personal struggle lol

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