Saturday, July 26, 2014

What Has the World come To?... "Put 'Em in the coffin"

For those of you who may not know, a vine trend by the name of "put 'em in the coffin" has spread like wildfire on the social media scene. What is it, you ask? Well, my personal definition of it would be, when a person or person's yell out "put em in the coffin!" before jumping or falling back on anything they so choose. A lot of popular "victims" of this trend that I've noticed are...
  • Random parked vehicles
  • Anything stacked at WalMart
  • Unsuspecting moving vehicles
  • Anyone laying down
  • Bushes
  • A variety of flat services
  • Water (probably the only respectable one on the list)
Of course, my first thought was, "Who came up with this stuff?". So, i did some digging. Let me tell you, there are a ton of "put 'em in the coffin" vines. SMH But, a vine account by the name of VonMar THOTBOYZ #23 came up... and yes that is the whole thing. lol The vine account led me to a twitter because if you have one social media outlet, you must have more. It's like internet crack. Anyways, according to twitter he has over 12,000 followers which I'm guessing is a lot, I don't know. Under his info he is hashtagged as mr. put em in the coffin, which led me to believe I had found the source. He is also hashtagged under WorldStar VINE VONMAR FILMS. This hashtag got me to thinking (I pray never have to say those words again lol), maybe he had his start on WorldStar. I mean, it's not as if that's where the majority of internet trends start now a days (SARCASM). After a failed attempt to contact him, I was left wondering if he really was the one to introduce the vine to the world. It's possible that he could have just been the one to make it popular, but without a statement from him and no one else claiming to be it's original source, it's hard to tell. Fortunately, where the vine started isn't my primary concern about this whole thing. I care more about, how this trend is effecting people.

Now, as I sat back and thought about this, in all honesty I thought it was funny. STUPID, but funny. At first glance, it just seems like a bunch of young people doing what they do best. By that I mean, run around in packs, trying to find things to occupy their time with. Which is more than less something disruptive or destructive. But, when I really thought about it with the little part of my brain that still holds some common sense, I realized that these people's harmless fun, wasn't so harmless. For example, in one (well several) of the vines, the random car that was "harmlessly" jumped on, got dented. When the kids saw this, they hauled off running. Laughing, might I add. This points to the obvious fact that they knew that what they were doing was wrong and if caught, knew they would face consequences. It's sad though, that before even jumping on the car, they didn't give thought to the owner of that vehicle. In worrying only for their desire for amusement, they showed no regard for the trouble they could be causing someone else.

Picture this with me for a second. You're just getting of work. You're tired, maybe a little hungry or frustrated cause (your co worker's name here, yeah you know the one) has been giving you a hard day, as usual. You reach in your pocket for your car keys, which always takes an arm and a leg to find, but somehow you manage. You get in your car, turn it on and finally get to exhale for a second before you pull out and have to deal with the idiots on the road who can't stay in their lane to save their lives. Then just as your about to throw your car into reverse, you notice something different about the hood. You open your door and lean out to get a better look. And there it is, a huge dent, just sitting in the middle of your hood. How upset would you be in that moment? You'd probably be taken back with thoughts of how, who, and why. Shortly after, I have no doubt it'd hit you that you may actually have to pay for the damages, and of course the whole "who got money to blow like that?!" process starts. Now depending on what kind of person you are, you could deal with that situation differently, but I think you see my point.

It seems that the people who participate in this trend don't care how their actions are effecting another life. When they jump into a display at WalMart, somebody has to pick it up. When they jump onto moving cars, someone has to hit the brakes. When they damage property, someone has to pay for it. As a society we tend to do a considerable amount of inconsiderate things. No, most of us don't run around intentionally harming other people with our words, actions, (etc...) but we are all guilty of it. I like to think of it as neglect of human nature. Believe it or not, our true nature is to be kind and caring of one another. That's why when we do hurt someone in someway, it stirs up feelings within us. Even if those feelings are anger. Even if we say,  "Man, I don't care!". If we didn't care, saying it wouldn't even be necessary. It wouldn't even occur to us.

I know we all are caught in our own lives, just trying to keep ourselves and the ones we love above water, but something as little as CHOOSING to use forethought and being thoughtful (considering how our actions could effect other things and actually caring about it) could alter an entire situation. An entire life. Even our life.

Think about it...

By the way, if you have no idea what I'm talking about here's a quick link: The Stupidity is REAL

Read the newest edition now:What Has The World Come To?... Charlie Charlie

To all the people who are keeping up with the blog, I say thank you soooooo much. The views are better than I had expected for only a month in! You guys are definitely awesome for sticking with me, completely ignoring the fact that my English skills are, let's be honest, none existent. lol In other news... If you get a chance to check out a post that's very real and personal to me it would mean so much: Passion, Plans and Pay Off 

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For a look at my first part of my written series, click this link: #girlstuff

Check out the first edition of "That's My Show!!!...", where I talk about my new obsession: Empire

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  1. SQUAD!!! put em in a cofin

  2. I agree people doing this are nothing but idiots

  3. I really hope these idiots have to pay for all of the damages done to the displays at stores when they jump on top of them. Dude, my nine year old knows better how to act in public than these a#*holes.

    1. it would b nice but unfortunately people get away with these things n soooooo much more

  4. My question....does this mean or stand for anything or is it just something to do. I don't get what 'put em in a coffin' even stands for.?? Who's 'em' ? Lol I've been searching but I can't figure it out. Anyone know? I'm completely lost.
