Before I get into my hopes and dreams, I have to girl out for a second. OMG!!! I was on the radio!!! Ok, so I was driving to work and Scotty encouraged those awake at this crazy hour to call in. This crazy hour being 6 am... ish lol. Anyways, this is something that they've been doing for about two weeks now, making a list of their callers that are up before the sun... and Jesus. I thought about calling but I figured they wouldn't answer. So, I was listening and they played "When I see You Again" by Wiz Khalifa and some guy named Charlie lol, and having recently found out it's from the Fast and Furious 7 movie and the whole Paul Walker thing, I started feeling... emotional? I guess that's the word for it. Not that I'm into celebrity's lives and deaths, but the loss of a life is sad no matter who it is. I think I was just in that contemplating the universe kind of mood, I don't know. Long story short, I said screw it and gave them a call. Word to the wise guys, don't dial and drive.
After a few rings, Bret picked up and said something like "Power 96.1 what's your name please?"... Now people, when I say my heart was thumping, I mean my heart was Thumb-PING!!! I wasn't gonna say this but I've started writing it now and hitting the backspace button is becoming less and less of an option with every word... so yeah when I heard his voice, knowing good and well who it was, I had to pull over. I just got... a little winded. For my dignity's sake, I am an asthmatic. Just saying.
Before I knew it, I was chatting up with Scotty, Riley and Bret! I'll be honest, it's kind of hard to hear them but it was still awesome. They asked me what I do and I pointed out that I'm a writer as well. Wink. Wink. I told them how I loved the family dynamic they have in and out of the studio. Scotty told me to write a letter to their bosses saying so how awesome they were... from me saying how awesome they were. I don't know if he was joking or serious though. Maybe a little of both? Either way, I remember yelp coming up, I'll try and write a review because sincerely they help my morning along. I never really listened to radio for the actual show, before them. Hold on, I feel myself "slowly drifting" off my point. I mentioned my brief affair with the red hair dye so Riley knew I understood her joy... and pain. Afterwards, they invited me to "hang at the station" with them. Which, I actually plan on doing. They asked for my email... still don't know why but it's cool. I got in a plug on my song writing and also mentioned that I've got my nephew Anthony saying one of their catch phrases... Which ironically, this morning he said he didn't wanna say Friday like that anymore, "Just regular". Perhaps, talking to them built me up for that devastating blow. Overall, my experience was great and Scott, Riley and Bret are really nice. It made my morning!
Now to that opportunity I was talking about. I'd like to think that going to the station and meeting people there might open up some doors. Being able to do what I love isn't easy and even a simple tweet could make the difference. I will admit though, I'm excited just to experience something I've never experienced before! Speaking of tweet, if anyone has twitter, would you mind tweeting a link to this post to (@POWERATL, @ScottyKOnair, @RileyCouture, and @BretMega). Tweeting a link. that's the right term...right? I don't know because they messed up the year on my birth certificate, instead of 1992 they should have put 1892. Easy mistake, but now i Have to live with the consequences of needing to know what a re-tweet and double tapping and instagram pic is. SMH. Maybe I'll have to make one. Knowing me, I probably will just to tweet it to them lol. But enough about my failures in life, have any of you ever had a chance to get on the radio? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience in comment section. Tell me your reaction and what the highlight for you was. And as always thanks for reading!!!
Remember my blog is full of fun material, so feel free to glance over to your right and search through my madness lol... If you have google plus add me to your circles so that you can be updated whenever I put up a new content for you to enjoy. Don't forget to follow and +1 the post!!! If you DO NOT have google plus and you are just paaaaaassssssssing through, please add your email to the mailing list to your right, so that you to can be notified by email of a new post. Being that I am a writer, I am of course currently writing books, songs and things of that nature, so if you want to donate to the cause, feel free by clicking the donation button to your right, underneath my name and picture. Every little bit helps. For more information on my music email me at
Check out my latest post, the beginning of my first blog short story: #girlstuff
Check out the first edition of "That's My Show!!!...", where I talk about my new obsession: Empire
Ever wonder "What Has The World Come To?..." check out: Put Em in the Coffin
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