Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dropping Knowledge: Attention Whores

What is an Attention Whore?

According to Urban Dictionary: A person who craves attention to the point they will say or do almost anything to get it. 

I was reading over some commentary on Youtube when I noticed about three distinctive patterns in the more "disruptive" commenters. This got me thinking about how many people actually fit in these categories and how many different kinds their are. And because I am well,  me... I just had to point some out lol

Attention Whore #1: The Show Off

The show off is the most common of the attention whores. It has a need to be admired, whether it is for it's good looks or accomplishments. In most cases, both. It finds value in large amounts of friends or followers, which explains why the show off is usually heavily involved in social media. Though it finds fulfillment in popularity and admiration, it is very careful not to present itself as a show off. Some members of this breed have become masters of manipulation and deception. They thrive off of others, both emotionally and financially. The show off typically is attractive, youthful, and has aspirations to be in the public eye.

The show off is prone to selfie abuse, pointless status and picture posting, texting addiction, mirror stalking, self mentioning, unnecessary vlogging and social media psychosis.

WARNING: If you are suffering similar symptoms I suggest you consult a true friend and receive 10 mg of get over yourself. Repeat when necessary.

Attention Whore #2: The Public Enemy

Now the public enemy uses a very different approach of gaining attention than the show off. Instead of using the look at me method, the public enemy receives it's satisfaction from negativity. It selects a or several targets and attacks it or them, unprovoked. The goal behind this attack is to be singled out by the target or witnesses of the attack and put into a "me vs the world" type situation. Thus, the public enemy most likely will attack someone well known, famous or in public, ensuring that they are opposed by the most people possible. The public enemy, much like most animals, tries to make itself appear bigger and stronger than it truly is to intimidate it's opponent. It uses hateful speech and aggression as both an offense and a defense when in conflict. In truth it is nothing more than a shell in most cases. Despite it's violent nature, the public enemy is a solitary creature that typically does not leave it's den. This being the case, it uses long range attacks since it is almost always at a distance or in hiding. In a university study, it was proven that 98% of the time, a public enemy will submit in close quarters. The other 2% are psychotic predators and should be avoided at all costs.

The public enemy is prone to comment or chat spamming, trolling, being a keyboard warrior, hacking, getting random people's accounts banned, being vulgar, racist and violent.

WARNING: If you find yourself experiencing some of these symptoms, I suggest you go outside, find someone face to face and say the exact things that you say over the net. Some side effects of the treatment may be loss of teeth, swelling of the face and chest and in some cases even death.

Attention Whore #3: The Sympathy Succubus

Last but certainly not least, we have the infamous sympathy succubus. Now this breed of attention whore is the most rare and delicate. The sympathy succubus put simply, feeds off of the compassion of others. For one reason or another it plays on the kindness and pity of people in order to feel good about itself. Now don't confuse this with the show off's tactic of downing themselves for compliments. The sympathy succubus has a deeper complex than that. It literally looks and asks for compassion. The sympathy succubus is also very hard to identify because it is, like the show off, a master at manipulation and deception. The sympathy succubus if desperate, can be very dangerous. It is capable of creating an entire false life to get attention and will defend it any way necessary. Another scary attribute it has is that it has been known to "cling" to it's victims

The sympathy succubus is prone to stalking, depression, complaining, self loathing, low self esteem, suppressing anger, self destructive behavior, playing the victim, and guilt tripping.

WARNING: If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, I suggest you talk to a close friend or family member and express whats going on in your life, in your heart and in your head.

IF you find yourself coming into contact with a sympathy succubus and are not a trained professional, I suggest you call 1-800-RUU-UUUN

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