"No matter how much you insist on looking like a conflicted nun, I won't stop until you look like an actual teenage girl."
"No, you won't stop until I'm in nothing but party paint and glitter, like I'd just been hit over the head with Ke$ha's purse.", I mocked. She rolled her eyes and continued to destroy what was my once organized closet. I fell back on my bed in surrender. Once Zumi put her mind to something, there was no stopping her.
Last week for example. It was 4 am, on a school night and I was deeply entangled in my sheets, as any 16 year old girl should be at that time of night. Suddenly, my phone started ringing off the hook. Needless to say, it was Zumi calling to tell me about her "pastel epiphany". Her words, not mine. Next thing I know, she's at my front door with a tub of bleaching powder and a tube of Manic Panic hair dye. Like I said, once Zumi put her mind to something, there was no stopping her. But what can I say, it's part of her appeal.
I leaned up and watched this skinny Japanese chick fling pieces of my wardrobe left and right, giving a look of disgust every few pieces.Who would've guessed that the two of us, being complete polar opposites by the way, would become best friends. Though she doesn't let me call her my best friend. She says it puts a label on our relationship, which restricts it in some way or another. I'd be lying if I said I understood her logic but somehow we work and I'm not gonna question it.
"Aha!", Zumi exclaimed. "Finally, something suitable for the human body,"
"Wow, I actually have one of those?",
"Joke all you want but this skirt deserves to see the outside world and if you don't take her out on a date, I will."
She held the turquoise pencil skirt against her waist while admiring herself in my floor length mirror. She does this quite often, but then again why wouldn't she? Yakazumi is beautiful. She's tall with a frame, like a Parisian model. She's not a curvy girl by any means but what she lacks in boobs and booty, she makes up for in long legs and even longer hair. I'm talking, super long. The kind of long that gets caught in door behind her. But it is her "crowning glory" and her "main channel of self expression", again her words not mine. This somewhat explains the Lilac hair a.k.a. her "pastel epiphany".
She held the turquoise pencil skirt against her waist while admiring herself in my floor length mirror. She does this quite often, but then again why wouldn't she? Yakazumi is beautiful. She's tall with a frame, like a Parisian model. She's not a curvy girl by any means but what she lacks in boobs and booty, she makes up for in long legs and even longer hair. I'm talking, super long. The kind of long that gets caught in door behind her. But it is her "crowning glory" and her "main channel of self expression", again her words not mine. This somewhat explains the Lilac hair a.k.a. her "pastel epiphany".
"Please tell me again why I even have to go in the first place? You have a social life that's big enough for the both of us.", I teased.
"Because my dear, you're becoming so much of a hermit crab that you're starting to grow a shell.", she said sweet yet sarcastically. She cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips as if she had made a near prophetic point about my pitiful situation. I hate to admit it but she was kind of right. Besides school, I hadn't hung out with anyone outside of Zumi in over a month. No particular reason, I just don't feel like dealing with people right now. Unfortunately, it seems like my anti-social vacation is over via hurricane Zumi.
"Now get up and put this on, I have to pee." At that, she tossed the skirt in my lap and clogged her platforms to the door. Halfway through it, she spun around to warn me.
"If you're not out of those clothes when I get back, I'm stripping you naked and dressing you myself." And on that note, she disappeared into the hallway.
"If you're not out of those clothes when I get back, I'm stripping you naked and dressing you myself." And on that note, she disappeared into the hallway.
I learned very early on in our friendship that Zumi always does what she says she will do. So, I put on the skirt. I could only imagine the look on mom's face after walking in my room, seeing Zumi trying take off my shirt with one hand and forcing a bracelet on my wrist, with the other. Ah, good times.
After a few minutes, I had managed to find something suitable to wear, by Zumi's standards of course, and then it was time to tackle the monster that was my hair. I sat at my vanity mirror, staring at the frizzy red curl factory that had found it's home on my head. It was a struggle, but manned with a detangling brush, some water, and a turquoise butterfly clip, I was able to make it look half decent.
Unfortunately, being that I'm mixed with black and native american, my hair's not naturally this amazing, Rihanna red color. I'll be honest, the story behind it is both empowering and extremely embarrassing, but out of it came a beautiful friendship. Yep, it's the story of how me and Zumi became friends. It's not time for all that yet but don't worry, I'm not gonna pull a "How I Met Your Mother" and drag it on for 9 years, Great show though.
By the time that I finished my hair, Zumi had appeared in the door way with a cheeky smile.
"My little girl is all dressed up and ready for the ball."
"Ok, ok. Your point is made.", I confessed. She basked in her victory as we headed downstairs.
Mom was bustling around in the kitchen per her usual, washing dishes, cleaning counters, you know, mom stuff. Zumi lazily strolled in, as she does, and wrapped her arms around my mom and kissed her on the cheek.
My mom froze and glanced subtly over her shoulder.
"Um... is there anything I can do for you Ms. Yakazumi?", mom asked cautiously.
"Mhmm.", Zumi moaned. "Stay this beautiful forever and I will be eternally grateful."
Let's pause here for a second. This is a perfect example of a Z moment. A Z moment is a natural occurrence that each and every one of us could easily become apart of. Most of us already have. Simply put, it is a situation that is awkward to all involved... but the one who's making it that way. In this Z moment, the initiator or the Z offender also has a tendency to encourage the awkwardness to progress, not understanding or acknowledging it whatsoever. I don't think I need to tell you that Zumi is often the Z offender. Almost always actually. It's like she lives by a completely different set of rules as the rest of the world. Anyways... let's continue.
Finally after a few more awkward moments, that seemed to linger just to make sure the entire room was slightly uncomfortable, Zumi let go of mom and leaned against the kitchen counter.
"Okaaaaay. So, hi mom.", I chuckled, shaking off the passing Z moment.
"Hey baby, what's going on?, she asked oh so southernly sweet.
"Nothing much, just figured I'd get out of my room and oh i don't know, see the light of day."
She laughed. "Then where do you plan on going in the moonlight of night?", she asked suspiciously.
I, unlike every teenage girl ever, don't lie to my mom. I figure she and I have been through to much and lost to many to not have each other. And let's be real, what's a relationship without trust? So, being that I don't lie to her, Zumi doesn't tell me what our activities are going to be beforehand. Thus, tells my mom a true lie.
"Unfortunately Mrs LittleFoot, Arya has no idea where were going. It's a surprise.", Zumi said excitedly. Mom looked over at me for conformation.
"It's true mom, she's been going on about it all week and won't tell me." Zumi nodded as if she were proud of herself for being able to keep a secret that long. Mom peered at me even harder.
"I know you've been having a hard time with everything so I'm gonna let you go. You're a good girl and you need to get out the house. Just make sure you stay a good girl while you're out there, ok?"
I rubbed her arm to comfort her. "I will, mom."
Before I knew it, Zumi and I were walking down the street, arm and arm, trying to hail a taxi.
"So, where are we going exactly?", I asked Zumi.
"Are you ready for it because it's pretty amazing?!"
"Well then, let's hear it!", I urged.
"We are going... to an illegal rave, at an abandoned warehouse that's been condemned and is going to be demolished at 8 am tomorrow!". She squealed. " And the best part is, my new boyfriend is the DJ so we're getting for what?... Free!"
At that moment, a taxi pulled up. She opened the door for me.
"Your chariot awaits.", she sang.
"What am I doing?", I asked myself as I stepped into the taxi.
As I look back now, getting into that taxi was the first step in both the best and worst experiences of my life. After that came everything that made me who I am and everything that i regret.
After a few minutes, I had managed to find something suitable to wear, by Zumi's standards of course, and then it was time to tackle the monster that was my hair. I sat at my vanity mirror, staring at the frizzy red curl factory that had found it's home on my head. It was a struggle, but manned with a detangling brush, some water, and a turquoise butterfly clip, I was able to make it look half decent.
Unfortunately, being that I'm mixed with black and native american, my hair's not naturally this amazing, Rihanna red color. I'll be honest, the story behind it is both empowering and extremely embarrassing, but out of it came a beautiful friendship. Yep, it's the story of how me and Zumi became friends. It's not time for all that yet but don't worry, I'm not gonna pull a "How I Met Your Mother" and drag it on for 9 years, Great show though.
By the time that I finished my hair, Zumi had appeared in the door way with a cheeky smile.
"My little girl is all dressed up and ready for the ball."
"Ok, ok. Your point is made.", I confessed. She basked in her victory as we headed downstairs.
Mom was bustling around in the kitchen per her usual, washing dishes, cleaning counters, you know, mom stuff. Zumi lazily strolled in, as she does, and wrapped her arms around my mom and kissed her on the cheek.
My mom froze and glanced subtly over her shoulder.
"Um... is there anything I can do for you Ms. Yakazumi?", mom asked cautiously.
"Mhmm.", Zumi moaned. "Stay this beautiful forever and I will be eternally grateful."
Let's pause here for a second. This is a perfect example of a Z moment. A Z moment is a natural occurrence that each and every one of us could easily become apart of. Most of us already have. Simply put, it is a situation that is awkward to all involved... but the one who's making it that way. In this Z moment, the initiator or the Z offender also has a tendency to encourage the awkwardness to progress, not understanding or acknowledging it whatsoever. I don't think I need to tell you that Zumi is often the Z offender. Almost always actually. It's like she lives by a completely different set of rules as the rest of the world. Anyways... let's continue.
Finally after a few more awkward moments, that seemed to linger just to make sure the entire room was slightly uncomfortable, Zumi let go of mom and leaned against the kitchen counter.
"Okaaaaay. So, hi mom.", I chuckled, shaking off the passing Z moment.
"Hey baby, what's going on?, she asked oh so southernly sweet.
"Nothing much, just figured I'd get out of my room and oh i don't know, see the light of day."
She laughed. "Then where do you plan on going in the moonlight of night?", she asked suspiciously.
I, unlike every teenage girl ever, don't lie to my mom. I figure she and I have been through to much and lost to many to not have each other. And let's be real, what's a relationship without trust? So, being that I don't lie to her, Zumi doesn't tell me what our activities are going to be beforehand. Thus, tells my mom a true lie.
"Unfortunately Mrs LittleFoot, Arya has no idea where were going. It's a surprise.", Zumi said excitedly. Mom looked over at me for conformation.
"It's true mom, she's been going on about it all week and won't tell me." Zumi nodded as if she were proud of herself for being able to keep a secret that long. Mom peered at me even harder.
"I know you've been having a hard time with everything so I'm gonna let you go. You're a good girl and you need to get out the house. Just make sure you stay a good girl while you're out there, ok?"
I rubbed her arm to comfort her. "I will, mom."
Before I knew it, Zumi and I were walking down the street, arm and arm, trying to hail a taxi.
"So, where are we going exactly?", I asked Zumi.
"Are you ready for it because it's pretty amazing?!"
"Well then, let's hear it!", I urged.
"We are going... to an illegal rave, at an abandoned warehouse that's been condemned and is going to be demolished at 8 am tomorrow!". She squealed. " And the best part is, my new boyfriend is the DJ so we're getting for what?... Free!"
At that moment, a taxi pulled up. She opened the door for me.
"Your chariot awaits.", she sang.
"What am I doing?", I asked myself as I stepped into the taxi.
As I look back now, getting into that taxi was the first step in both the best and worst experiences of my life. After that came everything that made me who I am and everything that i regret.
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