Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let's Talk About "Fight Club"

First rule about Fight Club, don't talk about Fight Club.

So according to, I don't know... everyone, I have been living under a rock since 1999. Why, you may ask? Simply because until last night, I had not watched the movie Fight Club. Apparently, there are tons of references in modern media from the movie and according to "everyone", it was imperative that I "get" them. Honestly, I would be a very rich woman if I was given about 20 dollars every time I heard the phrase, "OMG Bri, you've never seen Fight Club?!" And now that I have, I'm more confused than I was not having seen it. Maybe someone can help me cause this is how I saw it.

First off, the movie is about a regular guy who loves IKEA and has insomnia. I don't remember his name lol. But he who shall not be named, found an aid for his sleeping problems by going to support groups and crying on a guy who was all boobs and no balls... literally. But don't worry he has cancer. Not the nameless guy, th boobs guy. Anyways, nameless guy works for a car company as the person who checks possible recall situations. This explains why he travels so much, but someone please explain how he jumped from a desk jockey to a frequent flyer, because I don't know. So while he's on a plane, he meets a guy named Tyler, who makes soap, is really smart and a little creepy, in my personal opinion. Well, the same day his condo blows up and he ends up asking Tyler if he can stay with him. Strangely, Tyler says yes but I laughed when I saw his place. It was all broke down and falling apart with dirty water and unstable flooring. Honestly, nameless guy might have done better on the street, sleeping in a box, roughing it with the rain. I mean there was no lock on the door lol. But to each his own.

Time passes and nameless guy and Tyler become close... I think, because there is a scene where they're outside a bar and they just start beating the mess out of each other for fun. And I mean they are giving each other black eyes and busted lips lol. Who does that? So, they start doing this regularly and some random guys start joining in and before you know it, they have a weekly poker night in the basement of a bar. Instead of gambling, like normal guys, they are beating each other to a pulp on these flattened cardboard boxes lol. By some miracle, they turn into an organized band of vandals, lead by Tyler.

OMG! I totally forgot about the bride of chucky chick. I can't remember her name either lol. In one of his MANY narration rants, he explains how it all started with her. She came in when he was going to the support groups and he got mad that she was going to them as a "tourist" as he called her. Even though that's exactly what he was doing lol. But yeah, so he and Tyler have this group of random fighting vandal guys and somehow this liberates him. Now back to the bride of chucky, she calls nameless guy and overdosed or something. He leaves the phone cause shes yapping and Tyler picks it up and goes there and they get together. Tyler treats her kind of crappy though and nameless guy acts as if he doesn't like her but the movie implies he does... sometimes. And another thing, there are parts in the movie where Tyler says things and nameless guy repeats it. It's not weird now that I know why but it was then... just saying.

So, Fight Club's getting bigger, a love hate relationship is thrown in there and then Tyler starts doing stuff behind nameless' back. Nameless doesn't like this so he confronts Tyler in a car (big mistake), to which he responds by letting the car run off the road. I don't remember if this is before or after Tyler burns nameless' hand with chemicals or not but one thing is perfectly clear, Tyler is super, Shutter Island crazy! Then one day, nameless wakes up and Tyler is gone, which is weird I guess. So nameless goes through his crap and finds plane ticket stubs or something. For some reason he finds it smart to go to those cities and search the bars, finding out that Tyler has started Fight Club's in like every major city lol. Oh yeah, boob guy gets killed by a cop during a Fight Club mission thingy.

While he's looking for Tyler, the secret Fight Club people keep calling him Tyler. Which on a side note, this guy recruited chefs, police officers, waiters, mailmen, everybody lol. Anyways, he ends up in his hotel and Tyler is there. Get ready for the twist. Turns out, Tyler is a figment of Nameless' imagination and everything Tyler did was really him. Which is funny cause there was a scene where he's beating himself up outside the bar hahahaha. Long story short, he tries to stop the plans he himself put in place to destroy some buildings that housed creditor records or something to reset something. I'm guessing it was meant to be noble, I really couldn't tell cause like I said, dude is crazy lol. Ends up the Tyler part of him had a back up plan and stopped him from stopping him...self? It ends with him shooting his cheek out and getting rid of Tyler and him and the bride of chucky watch the buildings blow up like they're watching a sunset lol.

This left me with so many questions.
Did Tyler's plan work?
Is Tyler gone forever?
Did nameless ever get help for his mental instability?
Is he gonna go to jail for claiming responsibility for the death of boob guy?
What happens to Fight Club?!

I just don't understand how this movie is iconic. Maybe for the fact that it gives you mental whiplash lol. I felt slightly stressed out and disappointed when it was done. I probably won't watch it again and hope that nobody asks me if I liked it because...

The only thing worse than talking about Fight Club, is not liking Fight Club!

Check out my next blog post:Beyonce's 7/11

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