Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Unfortunate Circumstances

From the moment we met
I knew I’d break your heart
For all good things come to an end
And all tragedy becomes art

I lost sight of reality
Simply because you clouded me
With unreachable fantasy
And I begin to think... how dare he?

How dare he fill my head with dreams
Of love, happiness, hard times, and laughs
How dare he promise me things
Things I know I can never have

How dare he give me hope when I 
Had thought all hope was lost
How dare he give me time
And nothing from me, want

How dare he accept me, just as I am
Yes me, my flaws and all
How dare he touch my mind, my heart
And all that I am touching my very soul

I point my fingers all day long
But it is me who is to blame
For I am the executioner of our love
As to why I cannot say

But it is I who shall break our hearts as one
This is our unfortunate fate
One that neither you nor I will ever,
Could ever change

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Proper Intro

Hello Internet People!!!
My name is Bri, and this my brand new blog! (angels singing) I am a die hard writer. I write song lyrics, short stories, novels, poems, quotes, character diaries, movie and game reviews, personal thoughts and opinions on pop culture and news events (etc...) Blah blah blah you know the deal. I hate long introductions so lets do this like a quickie in the employee break room and just get to it.
A random list of things that I find funny yet interesting:
1. That we now live in a time when its a good thing for a bunch of people you don't know to follow you.
2. That people who want unique names for their children consider fruits, colors, and now directions to be a good place to start.
3. The fact that companies like Netflix and as of recent Microsoft have tried to slam down the flat side of the hammer on the people, not quite realizing that it would bounce off of the people aaaaaaaaaaand the pointy side would catch them in the FACE.
4. The shocking fact that M. Night Shyamalan could do worse than that massacre of a masterpiece The Last Airbender. #afterearth
5. That 10 years from now everyone born in the new millennium  will remember this sign, # as hashtag while everyone born before will remember a time when it was simply the useless pound button.
Just some things that passed through mind in the past 10 minutes lol.
I definitely plan to keep this blog updated and all that jazz. The purpose for it, besides the opportunity to say a bunch of random stuff that I'm thinking, is to share my passion, maybe get some laughs and even get critiqued. Yes apparently I'm looking to be textually abused by those unduly cruel internet trollers but that aside I see an opportunity to gain some knowledge and wisdom simply by way of you guys :). That being said, this is the game plan. I'm working on a character diary thing and its gonna be called Emo Dave and you will get to meet him very soon. If there is a subject that you want me to talk about or a character you would like me to create or anything really just leave a comment and I will definitely read it. Make sure to check in on my blog often because I plan on kicking a bunch of different things out for you to read and rate and love and hate and all that good stuff. 
Today's Thought: We as individuals have the right to do and say what we feel, within reason of course. As children we are encouraged to exercise our rights, while at the same time being taught, for the most part, to do what is right. But what happens when you come to a point when those two rights appear wrong to each other. Do you exercise your personal right or do what's socially right??? And just because you have the right to do something, does that alone make it the right thing to do??? A simple question, for some, with what some might think a simple answer but from the world's actions we see that it is quite complex. What's simple in letter is never simple in life- Bri aka Writer4Hire