I knew I’d break your heart
For all good things come to an end
And all tragedy becomes art
I lost sight of reality
Simply because you clouded me
With unreachable fantasy
And I begin to think... how dare he?
How dare he fill my head with dreams
Of love, happiness, hard times, and laughs
How dare he promise me things
Things I know I can never have
How dare he give me hope when I
Had thought all hope was lost
How dare he give me time
And nothing from me, want
How dare he accept me, just as I am
Yes me, my flaws and all
How dare he touch my mind, my heart
And all that I am touching my very soul
I point my fingers all day long
But it is me who is to blame
For I am the executioner of our love
As to why I cannot say
But it is I who shall break our hearts as one
This is our unfortunate fate
One that neither you nor I will ever,
Could ever change